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Browse directory by alphabet
Haruechaiyasak, Choochart
, National Electronics & Computer Technology Center
- Hasenauer, Rainer , Vienna HiTECH and WU Wien
- Hata, David , Portland Community College
- Hatakeyama, Kazuo , UNISOCIESC
- Hayakawa, Kazuya , Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Hayashi, Chihiro , Tokyo Metropolitan University
- Hayashida, Hideki , Osaka University
- Heiser, Franz , Ericsson AB
- Henriques Gehlen, Karina R. , Universidade Estadual de Londrina
- Heo, Yoseob , KISTI
- Hernandez, Jose Luis Sampedro , Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana Cuajimalpa
- Herrmann-Fankhaenel, Anja , Technische Universitaet Chemnitz
- Hillegas-Elting, James , Bonneville Power Administration
- Hirai, Yuri , The University of Tokyo
- Hirano, Makoto , Shibaura Institute of Technology
- Hirata, Sadayo , Shibaura Institute of Technology
- Ho, G.T.S. , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Ho, Jonathan C. , Yuan Ze University
- Hogaboam, Liliya , Portland State University
- Hollauer, Christoph , Institute of Product Development, TUM
- Holle, Maik , Technical University of Munich
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