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Browse directory by alphabet
Sergeyev, Aleksandr
, Michigan Technological University
- Sheikh, Nasir J. , State University of New York
- Sheikh, Omar , Oregon State University
- Shen, Wanqing , Zhejiang Gongshang University
- Shen, Wei-Ting , National Chung Hsing University
- Shi, Hui , National Academy of Innovation Strategy of CAST
- Shi, Lei , National Academy of Innovation Strategy, CAST
- Shibata, Masashi , Yamaguchi University
- Shih, Hsin-Yu , National Chi Nan University
- Shin, Jungwoo , Korea Enviornment Institute
- Shirahada, Kunio , Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- Shirasaka, Seiko , Keio University
- Shuai, Shijin , Tsinghua University
- Shyu, Joseph Z. , National Chiao Tung University
- Sick, Nathalie , University of Muenster
- Sikander, Arif , Murdoch University
- Silva Filho, Luiz Carlos P. , UFRGS - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
- Silveira, Manoel M. , Rio Grande do Sul Federal University
- Sinha, Kaushik , Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Siu, Paul K.Y. , The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Solleiro, Jose Luis , Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
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