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Browse directory by alphabet
Mabogunje, Ade
, Stanford University
- Machado, Marcelo A. , Kwantlen Polytechnic University
- Magnier-Watanabe, Remy , University of Tsukuba
- Magwenzi, Rachel , University of Pretoria
- Mahfuz, Mohammad A. , Wuhan University of Technology
- Mahmood, Aisha , Namal College, Mianwali
- Maisenbacher, Sebastian , Technical University of Munich
- Malek, Kourosh , University of Waterloo
- Mancha, Ruben , Babson College
- Manley, Karen , Queensland University of Technology
- Manotungvorapun, Nisit , Mahidol University
- Marinakis, Yorgos D. , University of New Mexico
- Marks, Adam , Zayed University
- Masuabi, Francis M. , University of Pretoria
- Masuya, Hitoshi , TechGate Investment Inc.
- Matar, Bassam , Chandler Gilbert Community College
- Mattern, Christian , RWTH Aachen University
- Mau, Jeremy , University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
- Mawele, Clement C. , MANCOSA
- Meek, Taylor J. , Portland State University
- Meijer, Sebastiaan , Technical University Delft
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