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Browse directory by alphabet
Katayama-Yoshida, Hiroshi
, Osaka University
- Kato, Seiichi , TechGate Investment Inc.
- Kattner, Niklas , Institute of Product Development, TUM
- Kayakutlu, Gulgun , Istanbul Technical University
- Kayalica, Ozgur M. , Istanbul Technical University
- Ke, Tsung-Han , National Chi Nan University
- Kehinde, Lawrence O. , Obafemi Awolowo University
- Kerga, Endris , Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Ketteree, Marcel , Borusan EMBW
- Khalifa, Rafaa I. , Portland State University
- Khammuang, Monticha , Portland State University
- Khanam, liza , Wuhan University of Technology
- Kholopane, Pule A. , University of Johannesburg
- Kiang, Yen-Jo , CTBC Financial Management College
- Kief, Craig , University of New Mexico
- Kim, Byungil , Andong National University
- Kim, Seong-Jin , Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and Planning
- Kimura, Megumi , Hitotsubashi University
- Kirschke, Florian , University of Muenster
- Kiyota, Mamoru , Chiba Institute of Technology
- Kloppel, Manfred , Technical University of Munich
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