PhD Colloquium
Getting Your PhD… And Beyond
Critical Stages and Career Paths for the PhD Student
Date: Sunday, July 23, 2023
Time: 13:00—17:00 with a coffee break at 15:00
Location: Veracruz
Chair: Dr. Nasir Sheikh, Senior Director Analyst, R&D, Emerging Technologies and Trends, Gartner, USA; and
Visiting Scholar, Department of Engineering and Technology Management, Portland State University, USA, former Associate Professor, Chair, and PhD Program Director, Technology Management Department, University of Bridgeport, USA
Dr. Charles Weber, Associate Professor, Engineering and Technology Management Department, Portland State University, USA
Dr. Jin Chen, Editor in Chief, IJITM and Professor, Tsinghua University, China
Dr. Hugo Carlos Gomez Guzman, Director, Pepsi Cola, Mexico
This interactive session will give PhD candidates an excellent opportunity to learn how to successfully defend their dissertation and
how to become confident in searching for jobs in academia and industry after obtaining the PhD degree. In addition, the PhD candidates
will be able to meet peers and colleagues, share experiences, and network with scholars from many countries.
The invited speakers and the participants will share experiences in the following areas:
- Critical stages in the PhD process and how to successfully master them
- The PhD process and career paths
- Coping with possible challenges while pursuing the PhD degree
- Entering the job market – academia, government or industry (tips/tools for job searching)
- Publishing PhD research
We encourage students in all stages of the PhD process, as well as recent graduates, to join this illuminating colloquium.
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