What is the difference between a standard for project management and a methodology for using a standard? What are the essential elements of a methodology? How does project practice maturity influence the selection of a governance model or project management office? What is the best way to implement a project management methodology? What are the key tasks of implementation? What is the annual cycle which results in continuous improvement? How does one show executives the value of using best practices? These questions are answered by the speaker through presentation, case histories, and group discussions during this tutorial. The tutorial is targeted toward people who would like to increase productivity in their institution or obtain a sustainable competitive advantage in their company.
John R. Patton is founder of Cadence Management Corporation and creator of the methodology for practical application of practices identified in the PMI standards. He is director of the Cadence Global Solution Provider Program, consisting of native speakers, providing Cadence branded training and consulting services in the local language with the local culture in mind in various countries around the world.
Mr. Patton has been a member of the Project Management Institute (PMI) since 1983 and contributor at congresses and research working sessions on topics of project acceleration and complexity. He is currently on an editorial board to publish a PMI sponsored book on project complexity.
Mr. Patton has had experience in all aspects of organizational project management (OPM), from its roots in strategic planning into portfolios, programs and projects, through implementation into ongoing operations. In the fall of 2009 his company, Cadence, was given the Provider of the Year Award from PMI. He is a world-class consultant for companies like United Space Alliance (Space Shuttle), Starbucks Coffee, eBay, Logitech, and Boston Scientific, implementing his methodology and facilitating rapid project start-up planning.
Mr. Patton serves on the Advisory Board of the Department of Engineering and Technology Management, Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science, Portland State University (PSU), USA. Mr. Patton obtained an MBA from PSU; a diploma from the University of Barcelona, Spain; and an undergraduate degree in Arts and Sciences from the University of Oregon, USA.

It is difficult to pick up an article, newsprint or periodical that does not discuss the financial distress of businesses during these economic times. This abstract is not excused. “Do less more with less” and “do less with less” is a popular CIO (Chief Information Officer magazine) slogan for the semiconductor, IT and cyberspace industries. The forecast for 2010 does not include a significant jump back to 2007 budget levels. Aptly applied, the cut-list for active and proposed projects is getting shorter. Prioritization of only the highest ranked, most ROI or business-critical cost saving projects are making the cut. To quote the CEO of CIO: “Based on the current economic conditions, everything within IT is being seriously re-examined. Efficiency and ROI continue to be top-of-mind, while increasing work force productivity and innovation are equally essential.” In other words, what alternative solutions can free businesses from their systems and processes rather then just the traditional approaches? A CIO contributor has stated that it is time to take a second look at where you are spending money. So, if you are in technology management and your business initiative is economic growth but it does not spend any money, what do you? Businesses need projects to be innovative, businesses need projects to remain competitive, businesses need projects to be efficient, and projects cost money. So, how much are businesses willing to spend to achieve fiscal initiatives? Most will put the squeeze on the costly and outrageous, but do they know how much they are even spending on the obvious, must-do or business-critical projects? Probably not, and they are not listening.
This tutorial will present what we should know and can do when it comes to project costs. It will further define cost essentials, lay out various methods for estimating and forecasting costs, and explore business processes that support the financial aspects of projects.
Jeffrey S. Busch is a recognized authority on project management, scheduling and alternative dispute management with more than 30 years of experience covering consulting and training for various industries including design/construction, product development/manufacturing and semi-conductor/IT/software across the US and the globe. In 2003 he retired from a principal position at Pinnell-Busch, Inc., a leading project management firm that seeks out new ventures and challenges in project management. He provides independent consulting, is a senior consultant/trainer with Cadence Management Corporation, and teaches as an adjunct professor at Portland State University, USA. He has worked for such organizations as eBay, Starbucks, Boston Scientific, Network Appliance, Kimberly-Clarke, AT&T Federal Systems, CH2M Hill, Northwest Natural Gas, Boise, Freightliner, Tektronix, Nike, AMD, Polaris Industries, Tyson Foods, Rockwell Collins, Spansion and Johnson & Johnson. As a practitioner he has facilitated consulting and training sessions for federal, state and local governments and more than 300 corporations in the US and abroad. He has served on committees with PMI Global Operations, including a 2006/07 role as a core team lead with PMI Standards for the development and publication of the Second Edition of the Construction Extension (2008) to the PMBOK Guide.
Mr. Busch is an active partnering facilitator and is often called upon for roles in project intervention and recovery, project alignment, and as an independent neutral. He is qualified as an expert witness for the US Federal District Court, the US Court of Federal Claims and numerous state court systems.
Mr. Busch has been active with PMI since 1985. He received his PMP in1991 and has served the PMI Portland Chapter in numerous capacities including VP of Programs and a two-year term as its President. He is currently serving as CEO of the PMI Willamette Valley Chapter, Oregon, USA.

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