The Lightweight Project Management Framework (LPMF)
is a suite of six project management tools (Project Life Cycle, Scope of
Work, Work Breakdown Structure, Responsibility Interface Matrix,
Critical Path Mapping, and Risk Management Model) that interlock to
provide a lightweight and flexible structure for "micro IT projects"
with timelines less than one year and non-capital budgets.
This tutorial will provide fast-paced interactive
experience with all six tools in a simulated project environment from
project inception to postmortem. Teams will be created and individual
members will own application of a single tool while providing input into
other team member's tools.
At the end of this session, attendees will be able
to describe the six tools, identify if LPMF is appropriate for a
specific project, and implement LPMF structure in their environment.
Burton is a global technical project manager in Intel's IT Business Unit
owning both IT Network Operations learning/development efforts and "BIG
IP," Intel's internal network load balancers.
Completing a BA in Theatre and Drama from Indiana
University (IU) in 1997, Michael was heavily involved with computers
from childhood. He took on an apprentice role supporting IU's computer
network infrastructure before moving to Portland in 1998. After two
years on Portland State University's network operations team he moved on
to work for Intel where he has been for the last seven years.
Michael's involvement in project management started
at IU in the Theatre Department where he was a stage manager and each
job he has held since has had a growing component of project management.
To formalize is skill set, he took on the Masters of Engineering in
Project Management track from Portland State University where he
completed his degree late in 2006.
While at Intel Michael has coordinated several
cross-cultural project teams. Coping with differences in culture,
language, and time zones; a structured and formalized method was
required. He developed the Lightweight Project Management Framework
(LPMF) to drive multiple concurrent international projects to success.
The LPMF course is an internally-taught class to Intel's IT Project
Managers and service owners. 
The academic work of Schumpeter has popularized the
importance of innovation, particularly since about 1970 when an
exponential increase in published papers dealing with the technological
innovation began. NSF has concluded that over 50% of the economic growth
in the economy derives from technological innovation. Notwithstanding,
recent assessments of global competitiveness have concluded that
innovation methodologies for cost reduction and incremental improvement
of existing technologies that proved so effective in the 20th Century
will be increasingly ineffective in the information intense, globally
competitive economy of the 21st Century.
Despite the continued increase in science and
innovation publications, unfortunately there is a Balkanization of
innovation hindering the optimization of breakthrough innovation in the
21st Century. As perceptively described by John Age in his 1995 paper,
there is a lack of a holistic model needed for successful integration of
radical innovation principles into rapid and affordable radical
innovation. In response to this strategic crisis, a team of researchers
since 2004 has recognized the need for an effective methodology grounded
in theory and principles, to guide acceleration of innovation from the
discovery phase through to standard design, diffusion, and finally
innovation maturity. The result, summarized in this paper, is a new
paradigm of Accelerated Radical Innovation (ARI).
Dr. John Dismukes, upon completion of his
university education, immediately undertook materials science research
in the semiconductor industry (RCA Laboratories, Princeton, NJ), where
he received the David Sarnoff Gold Medal for successful transfer of Ge-Si
thermoelectric alloy processing to factory production for the Voyager
and other space missions. After two years of semiconductor business and
marketing experience, he launched and ran the first new business venture
for the manufacture of amorphous metal alloy ribbon at Allied
Corporation. he then spent 17 years at Exxon’s Corporate Research
Laboratory in Annandale, New Jersey. There he conducted materials
science research in structural materials, nanotechnology, polymer
composites, and synthetic diamond, and served as program coordinator in
major external joint R&D ventures including low-cost solar cells and
high-strength steel.
In 1996 Dr. Dismukes moved to The University of Toledo, where he served
as Associate Dean for Research in the College of Engineering from June
1996 to June 1999, and as Interim Vice Provost for Research for seven
months during 2000. He is currently Professor in the Department of
Chemical and Environmental Engineering, with research and teaching
interests in materials science, alternative energy technologies, and
methodologies for acceleration of radical innovation. Since 2004, John
has taken the lead in organizing conferences and workshops in the new
field of Accelerated Radical Innovation, and has initiated a graduate
course in this area.
Dr. Dismukes received a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry from the University
of Illinois and a B.S. in Chemistry from Auburn University. Dr.
Dismukes has published over 80 technical papers and has been awarded 12
U.S. patents. 
This tutorial presents a quantitative model used for
evaluating the impact value of technologies on a company’s objective.
The hierarchical decision making approach is applied to construct the
model. Both quantitative and qualitative aspects of technology
evaluation are also integrated into the model development process. The
impact of technologies on a company’s objective is calculated as a
composite index called Technology Value. Two case studies will be
presented in the session to demonstrate how the concept can be applied
Dr. Nathasit Gerdsri is
Program Chair of Management and Strategy in the College of Management,
Mahidol University (CMMU), Thailand. He received his Ph.D. in
Systems Science/Engineering and Technology Management from Portland
State University, USA, in 2004. His Ph.D. dissertation was on the
development of a technology development envelope (TDE) for roadmapping
of emerging technologies. A part of his dissertation received the PICMET
'05 Outstanding Student Paper Award. Dr. Gerdsri received a B. Eng in
Mechanical Engineering from Chulalongkorn University (Thailand) and dual
M.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Management from
Portland State University. Dr. Gerdsri's research areas include
strategic technology management, technology roadmapping, strategic
decision making, project management, and international technology
Prior to joining CMMU, Dr. Gerdsri held a faculty position as Visiting
Assistant Professor at Portland State University, where he taught
courses such as Technology Roadmapping and Decision Making. Before that,
Dr. Gerdsri worked with Intel Corporation’s R&D Lab located in Oregon
(USA) as a technology developer and research program coordinator during
2001-2002. In addition to academic works, Dr. Gerdsri has served the
community by providing tutorial presentations, consulting and training
services on issues related to technology roadmapping, technology
management, and R&D project selection to companies, government agencies
and conferences.
Dr. Dundar F. Kocaoglu
is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Engineering and
Technology Management at Portland State University, and President and
CEO of PICMET (Portland International Conference on Management of
Engineering and Technology). His research areas include technology
management, project management, R&D management, decision theory,
hierarchical decision modeling, evaluation and selection of emerging
technologies, and resource optimization.
Dr. Kocaoglu received his B.S. in Civil Engineering from Robert College
(in Turkey) in 1960, M.S. in Structural Engineering from Lehigh
University in 1962, M.S. in Industrial Engineering from the University
of Pittsburgh in 1972, and Ph.D. in Operations Research and Systems
Management, also from the University of Pittsburgh in 1976. He joined
Portland State University to start the Engineering Management Program in
1987. The program has since become the Department of Engineering and
Technology Management. Prior to 1987, Dr. Kocaoglu was the director of a
similar program for 11 years at the University of Pittsburgh.
Dr. Kocaoglu has worked in industry as an engineer and project manager
from 1962 to 1971. He has been a consultant on engineering and
technology management since 1973. His clients include Westinghouse,
Brown Boveri, IBM, Intel Corporation, Tektronix, II-Morrow, Cascade
Microtech, several other small-to-medium sized technology-based
companies, more than 10 universities, R&D Centers and the United
Nations. He has served in National Research Council committees for the
evaluation of the NIST (National Institute of Science and Technology)
manufacturing centers, and for the improvement of U.S. Department of
Energy decision making processes for nuclear waste disposal and
decommissioning. He has also been an NSF (National Science Foundation)
reviewer for research proposals, and served on NSF panels for the
evaluation of research centers.
Dr. Kocaoglu is the author, editor or co-editor of seven books titled,
Engineering Management (Mc-Graw-Hill, 1981), Technology Management: The
New International Language (IEEE, 1991), Management of R&D and
Engineering (Elsevier, 1992), Innovation in Technology Management
(PICMET, 1997), Technology and Innovation Management (PICMET, 1999),
Technology Management in the Knwoledge Era (PICMET, 2001) Technology
Management for Reshaping the World (PICMET, 2003), Technology
Management: A Unifying Discipline for Melting the Boundaries (PICMET,
2005). He was the Editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Engineering
Management 1986 – 2002) , and the Series Editor of John Wiley Book
Series in Engineering & Technology Management (1985 – 1998). Dr.
Kocaoglu is the recipient of the Distinguished Research Mentor Award of
the National Science Council of Taiwan, the IEEE Fellow Award, IEEE
Centennial Medal, and IEEE Millennium Medal, all of which were awarded
for "leadership in the development of the Engineering Management
Published literature reports that NPD processes in
general, and technological entrepreneurs (TEs) in particular,
under-emphasize marketing in NPD. An interactive computer simulation was
created to introduce participants to published NPD best practices,
primarily greater marketing early in NPD. Simulation participants are
placed in the role of an entrepreneur with a product vision and limited
money. Participants move from the initial product vision, through
customer interviews, focus groups, trade shows, break-even analysis,
product feature selection, pricing and customer segmentation. The
simulation concludes with product launch and feedback.
The speaker will run the simulation with participants viewing
projected screen images. They will be asked to discuss and make the
necessary decisions (Should we attend a trade show now? Talk with more
potential customers? Select additional product features? etc.). A full
simulation requires two to three hours depending on the amount of
discussion. It has been used in our graduate Marketing class and our
Entrepreneurship class where initial results indicate students learned
to integrate the various choices into a coherent NPD strategy. They
enjoyed the exercise. The workshop also presents a summary of the NPD
best practices found in the literature.
Schumacher is an Associate Professor of Engineering Management at the
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, USA. He has taught Project
Management, Marketing for New Product Development, Technology Management
& Forecasting, Globalization & Strategy, Intercultural Communication,
and Organizational Behavior since joining the RHIT Masters of Science in
Engineering Management (MSEM) program in 1999.
Professor Schumacher worked for two years at the
Open University Business School as a member of the team developing the
MBA course “Knowledge Management.” He taught Business Policy and
Strategic Management courses at Oregon State University. His industrial
experience includes three years in a software research center in Munich,
Germany, and seven years as a policy analyst in the electric utility
industry in the U.S.
Professor Schumacher studied the culture of a
high-tech start-up in his Ph.D. research at Portland State University
(1992). He measured significant attitude change in employees who
experienced the training simulation developed for that project. His
research interests include training simulations, organizational culture,
and scenario planning. His current projects include a simulation
addressing virtual teams and one on strategic project management. 
Project management research shows that most projects
today fail. You may think that projects fail because of poor planning;
lack of communication, or inadequate resources; but as the evidence
suggests, failure is often found even in well-managed projects, run by
experienced managers, and supported by highly regarded organizations.
This research-based workshop will show that the
current practices of project management are insufficient to guarantee
project success. The workshop will present the current myth and the
reality of project management and will offer a new paradigm and a new
language to deal with today’s projects.
According to this paradigm projects are
business-related processes that must deliver business results. They are
not predictable or certain. Rather, they involve a great deal of
uncertainty and complexity, and they must be managed in a flexible and
adaptive way. Planning is adjustable and changing, and as the project
moves forward, re-planning is often necessary. And project management
styles must adapt to the specific project and its requirements. While
this approach represents a shift in thinking, it is inevitable to meet
today’s organizational challenges. We believe that every organization
can significantly improve its business results and achieve more homeruns
from its projects if it will consciously apply the frameworks of this
J. Shenhar Ph.D. is the Institute Professor of Management at Stevens
Institute of Technology. He holds five academic degrees in engineering
and management from Stanford University and the Technion, Israel
Institute of Technology. Dr. Shenhar has accumulated over 20 years of
technical and management experience as an executive in the defense
industry in Israel. In his present academic career, Dr. Shenhar is
focused on teaching and research in the areas of technology and
innovation management, project management, product development, and the
management of professional people. He is a recognized speaker and
consultant to leading high-technology organizations. For his cumulative
contribution to engineering and technology management he was selected
“Engineering Manager of the Year” by the Engineering Management society
of IEEE in 1999. 
Offshoring has been a controversial practice in the
Industry. Many books and articles have been written about why offshoring
is a business necessity in the 21st century. There is also probably an
equal number of books and studies about the dangers, pitfalls and
macro-level adverse effects of offshoring as a business strategy. In
this workshop, we will not be discussing if offshoring is right or wrong
for the business; rather, how to make it a success.
We define offshoring as work taking place in a remote (from the
organization epicenter) geographic location with reduced labor costs.
Organizations which offshore ought to pay attention
to three foundational vectors as critical success factors for the
endeavor: Cultural Awareness, Operational Tactics and Strategic
Alignment. A set of methodologies (tools and processes) must be
established and carried out in the practicing organization in order to
ensure the three critical vectors of Culture, Operations & Strategic
remain healthy and intact.
In this workshop, we will examine each vector and
based on our experience in Hewlett-Packard, Vancouver, we will offer a
set of practices that have proven essential to successful offshoring.
Zarafshan received her BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering from
Washington State University. Arezou has spent over 13 years in Industry
working at Hewlett Packard and with a diverse set of companies such as
Motorola, Texas Instruments and Flextronics. She has managed research
and development teams and has led technology development for components
and systems for HP's Inkjet products. Arezou is currently a Research &
Development Section manager at Hewlett-Packard. In her role, Arezou
creates and utilizes successful development strategies that capitalize
on Globalization trends for delivering superior products with utmost
efficiency. Arezou is a world traveler and has lived in the Middle East
and in Asia. She is currently residing in the US.