PICMET Advisory Council provides advise and counsel on strategic directions and critical isses of Technology Management, and PICMET's role in providing leadership in the field, worldwide. Members serve 6-year, renewable terms, and meet during the PICMET conferences that they attend. Current members are:
- Dr. Adnan Akay, Provost, Bilkent University—Turkey
- Mr. Hamid Reza Amirinia, Head, International Innovation and Technology Exhibition (INOTEX)—Iran
- Dr. Bulent Atalay, Professor, University of Mary Washington and the University of Virginia—USA
- Dr. Daniel Berg, Professor and former President, RPI—USA
- Dr. Klaus Brockhoff, Professor, Otto Beisheim School of Management—Germany
- Dr. Walter Buchanan, Professor, Texas A&M University—USA
- Dr. Hans-Jörg Bullinger, Senator, Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft—Germany
- Dr. Andre J. Buys, Professor, University of Pretoria—South Africa
- Dr. Brent Chalmers, Optholmalagist and Partner, Northwest Eye Health—USA
- Dr. Youngrak Choi, S&T Policy Adviser—Korea
- Dr. Pichet Durongkaveroj, Secretary General, National Science Technology and Innovation Policy Office—Thailand
- Dr. Steven Eppinger, Professor, MIT—USA
- Dr. Eliezer Geisler, Professor, Illinois Institute of Technology—USA
- Dr. Hans G. Gemuenden, Professor, Berlin Technical University—Germany
- Ms. Margie Harris, Executive Director, Energy Trust of Oregon—USA
- Mr. Roy Hemmingway, Energy Consultant—USA
- Mr. Shinjiro Iwata, Advisor, Hitachi, Ltd.—Japan
- Mr. Michael Joseph, Managing Director, Mobile Money Vodafone—USA
- Mr. Phil Keisling, Professor, Portland State University—USA
- Mr. Keith Kulper, President, Keith Kulper Co.—USA
- Dr. Jay Lee, Professor, University of Cincinnatti—USA
- Dr. Tom Magnanti, President, Singapore University of Technology and Design—Singapore
- Mr. John McDougall, President, National Research Council—Canada
- Mr. Tetsuji Ohashi, President, Komatsu Ltd.—Japan
- Mr. Terry L. Oliver, Chief Technology Innovation Officer, Bonneville Power Administration—USA
- Dr. Wilf Pinfold, Director, University and Government Programs, Intel Corporation—USA
- Dr. Alan L. Porter, Professor Emeritus, Georgia Institute of Technology—USA
- Dr. Michael Reardon, President, Eastern International University—Vietnam
- Dr. Itti Rittaporn, Executive, Toyota Tsusho Electronics (Thailand) Co., Ltd—Thailand
- Dr. Francoise D. Roure, Chair, Technology and Society Committee High Council for Economy, Industry, Energy and Technologies—France
- Dr. Aaron Shenhar, Professor, Rutgers University—USA
- Dr. Krishna Singh, Director, Strategic Programs, IBM—USA
- Dr. Pansak Sirirachatapong, Executive Director, NECTEC—Thailand
- Dr. Jim Spohrer, Director, University Programs World Wide, IBM—USA
- Dr. David M. Steele, Dean, San Jose State University College of Business—USA
- Dr. Nam Suh, Professor, MIT—USA
- Dr. James M. Utterback, Professor, MIT—USA
- Dr. Yuko Yasunaga, Deputy Director General, Industrial Science and Technology Standards and Conformity Assessment, METI—Japan
- Dr. Nuket Yetis, Former President, TUBITAK—Turkey
- Dr. Oliver Yu, Executive in Residence, School of Business, San Jose State University—USA