Following the PICMET
tradition, this high-impact symposium will set the stage for innovation
management for decades to come. The world’s leading experts from academic
institutions, industrial corporations and government agencies will
participate in the discussions. PICMET ’04 is essential for:
Presidents and
CEOs of technology-based corporations
Vice presidents of
engineering, R&D and technology in industrial organizations
R&D managers
manufacturing, operations, quality and marketing managers in
technology-based organization
Project and
product managers
systems managers in industrial and service organizations
management researchers
Educators in
engineering management, technology management, manufacturing management,
technology marketing, software management, information systems management,
project management, and technology-focused MBA programs
Engineering and
technology management program heads
Students in
engineering management, management of technology and related programs
officials responsible for technology policy
officials responsible for science and technology programs
Engineers and
scientists moving from technical specialty to management positions while
maintaining their identity in technical fields