Ph.D. Colloquium
Getting Your Ph.D.…and Beyond
Critical Stages and Career Paths for the Ph.D. Student
Date: Sunday, July 28, 2013
Time: 13:00—17:00
Location: Guadalupe
Cost: $35
The PICMET Ph.D. Colloquium is targeted at students in all stages of the Ph.D.
process, as well as recent graduates. Through guest lectures and workshop
discussions, we will cover various aspects of PhD education and career
opportunities in engineering and technology management, including:
- The Ph.D. process and career paths in different countries
- Critical stages in the Ph.D. process and how to successfully master them
- Coping with possible personal problems while pursuing a Ph.D. (lack of time or
motivation, problems with advisers, insufficient time for family and friends,
- What’s next - academia or industry?
- Entering the academic job market as future junior faculty versus landing
your first industry job.
- To publish or to perish?
Guest lectures will provide a starting point for workshop discussions. Workshops will tackle topics the participants are most interested in. They provide a unique opportunity to meet colleagues, share experiences and ideas, and network with students and faculty from different countries and university systems.
We encourage students in all stages of the Ph.D. process, as well as recent graduates, to join us.
Please direct questions related to the colloquium to:
Antonie Jetter, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Engineering and Technology Management
Maseeh College of Engineering and Computer Science
Portland State University
Post Office Box 751
Portland, Oregon 97207-0751, USA
Phone: 503-725-4663
Fax: 503-725-4667
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