
  PICMET Instructions for the use of formatting template for PICMET papers

(Note: These instructions are repeated in the body of the template itself)

Download Template here


1. Write your paper, edit and save it as a file. (Note: Do not use hard tabs, and limit the use of hard returns to only one return at the end of a paragraph. Do not add pagination. Do not number text heads. The template will do that for you)

2. Click here to download the template in Microsoft Word.

3. Use the “Save As” command to save the template. Use your paper’s PICMET ID as the filename for the saved template. (Note: Keep the original template as a reference)

4. Copy the title of your paper in the text file and paste on the new file with the PICMET submission ID. Highlight it. Use the pulled down window on the MS Word Styles toolbar. Select the paper title style.

5. Copy the authors’ names and affiliations in the text file and paste on the new file.

6. Highlight the authors’ names. Select the Author style from the MS Word Styles menu.

7. Highlight the affiliations and select the Affiliation style from the MS Word Styles menu.

8. Continue with copying the rest of the contents in the text file and pasting on the template, highlighting part by part, and selecting the appropriate style from the MS Word Styles menu.

9. Submit the completed paper in MS Word format to PICMET.





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