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"Exploring the Impacts of the Interactions between Lifecycles and Other Dynamics that Influence the Development of Technology-Based Industries"
Michèle Routley * , University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Robert Phaal, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
David Probert, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
* = Corresponding author
To address future uncertainty within strategy and innovation, managers extrapolate past patterns and trends into the future. Several disciplines make use of lifecycles, often with a linear sequence of identified phases, to make predictions and address likely uncertainties. Often the aggregation of several cycles is then interpreted as a new cycle, such as product lifecycles into an industry lifecycle. However, frequently different lifecycle termstechnology, product, industryare used interchangeably and without clear definition. Within the interdisciplinary context of technology management, this juxtaposition of dynamics can create confusion, rather than clarification. This paper explores some typical dynamics associated with technology-based industries, using illustrative examples from the automotive industry. A wide range of dimensions are seen to influence the path of a technology-based industry, and stakeholders need to consider the likely causality and synchronicity of these. Some curves can simply present the aggregation of components; other dynamics incur time lags, rather than being superimposed, but still have a significant impact. To optimize alignment of the important dimensions within any development, and for future strategy decisions, understanding these interactions will be critical.
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