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"Strategic Road Mapping of Embedded Software Production Technology"
Tomoki Kono * , Omron Software Co., Ltd, Japan
Shotaro Kohtsuki, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
Atsushi Aoyama, Ritsumeikan University, Japan
* = Corresponding author
Along with rapid increase of diversification in customer demand and digitalization of products, the percentage of embedded software technology among electronic devices has been increasing. In addition, the demand for embedded software technology is increasing due to its multi-functionality, such as shorter lead time and lower cost. As a result, there is an unprecedented need for productivity improvement in embedded software development. This research paper proposes a process model for the acquisition of technology production that will improve the embedded software development's productivity. By using this model, a method for acquiring software technology can be applied to practical situations. Based on frameworks suggested in preceding studies on roadmapping using the T-plan and MAFFINT method, this model has been developed into a practical process capable of a consistent execution that ranges from the selection of the target production technology to the development of human resources that will acquire the technology. The application of this model to real-world businesses has verified that significant implications have been provided to the development of new technology.
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