PICMET '05 Keynotes

Keynote speeches are presented at the plenaries as listed below:





"Integration of Art and Science"


Speaker: Bulent Atalay, University of Mary Washington and the University of Virginia;
Fellow, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton


Bulent Atalay presents science through art, and art through science, and approaches the larger goal of achieving a synthesis of the two fields.   He invokes the model of Leonardo – part-time artist, passionate scientist, consummate inventor.  The qualities of timelessness and universality in Leonardo's miraculous works speak eloquently for themselves.  With Leonardo's model providing the unifying thread, however, it becomes possible, first, to glimpse Leonardo's restless intellect, that extraordinary psyche; second, to see whence the ideas for his works of art came; and ultimately to appreciate his art at a different level.  What also emerges is a timeless message: Leonardo's model can assist in bridging the cultural divide prevailing in our age of specialization, and it can help make us all more creative.


Dr. Bulent Atalay is a scientist and an artist. He lectures around the world on art, archaeology, astrophysics, and atomic physics.  After his early education in Eton (UK) and St. Andrew's School (Delaware), Dr. Atalay received BS, MS, MA and Ph.D. degrees and conducted post-doctoral work in theoretical physics at Georgetown, UC-Berkeley, Princeton and Oxford.  Now, he is a professor of physics at the University of Mary Washington, and an adjunct professor at the University of Virginia. He is also a member of the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton.
Dr. Atalay’s research areas include theoretical nuclear physics; perturbation theory for projected states; alternate future sources of energy; high tech archaeology; integrating science and art; and the art and science of Leonardo da Vinci.  He is also a successful artist with works in the permanent collections of the Smithsonian Institution, White House and Buckingham Palace.

As an accomplished artist, Atalay has presented his works in London and Washington. His two books of lithographs; "Lands of Washington" and "Oxford and the English Countryside" are in the permanent collections of Buckingham Palace, the Smithsonian, and the White House. His most recent, and highly acclaimed book, "Math and the Mona Lisa," is a powerful discussion of the power of cross-semination of disciplines in the manner practiced by Leonardo da Vinci. After the plenary session, Dr. Atalay will sign his book for the audience.



"The Role of Government in Technological Innovation: East Asian Perspectives"

Speaker: Youngrak Choi, Chairman, Korea Research Council of Public Science & Technology (KORP), Korea

The role of government in technological innovation is considered crucial in general. Is it? Aren’t there any other critical factors? This paper explores this fundamental question by examining the innovation policies in three East Asian countries with particular emphasis on government-business relation.

The paper explains the patterns and processes of industrial development in Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, which have managed the shift from light industries to high-technology reasonably well. Korea's approach to technological innovation through large enterprises (s0-called Chaebol), Taiwan's emphasis on small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and Singapore's success with multinational enterprises (MNEs) are described.  The role of government policies in technological innovation such as the cultivation of key R&D players, mobilization of resources, development of the R&D infrastructure, etc. is discussed. In particular, similarities and differences in government policies are emphasized, and the change of government policies after 90s, when self-growing S&T capability was the key issue, is explored.   

The paper focuses on the crucial role of government policy in technological innovation, but it also articulates that the role of private enterprises is equally essential.  Examples of private firms are given which have made massive in-house R&D efforts and succeeded in establishing strong R&D capability in response to government initiatives.

 The paper concludes with lessons learned from these East Asian perspectives.


Dr. Youngrak Choi is Chairman of Korea Research Council of Public Science & Technology (KORP). Previously, he was the president of STEPI (Science & Technology Policy Institute) in S. Korea. He is the President of the Korean Society for Technology Management & Economics and a member of the Presidential Advisory Council for Science & Technology.


"Where Computing is Going...and how not to get there"

Speaker: Bob Colwell, President, R & E Colwell and Associates, United States

The computer industry has always prided itself on how fast it changes. But for the past two decades, those changes have been planned, predictable, and monotonic -- Moore's Law told you the rough shape of what was coming. Not any more. The industry is attempting to navigate a sharp turn in the road, forced upon it by physics (power dissipation), and a maturing base of users with a finite appetite for performance. The challenges we face now will not be like what we have faced before. This talk will outline these challenges and some technical management tactics that we must also leave behind.


Bob Colwell was Intel's chief IA32 microprocessor architect from 1992-2000, and managed the IA32 Arch group in Intel's Hillsboro, Oregon facility through the P6 and Pentium 4 projects. He was named the Eckert-Mauchly
award winner for 2005, the highest honor in the field of computer architecture, for "outstanding achievements in the design and implementation of industry-changing microarchitectures, and for significant contributions
to the RISC/CISC architecture debate." He was named an Intel Fellow in 1996.
Previously, Colwell was a CPU architect at VLIW pioneer Multiflow Computer, a hardware design engineer at workstation vendor Perq Systems, and a member
of technical staff at Bell Labs. He has published many technical papers and journal articles, is inventor or co-inventor on 40+ patents, and has participated in numerous panel sessions and invited talks. He is the
Perspectives editor for IEEE Computer Magazine, and writes the At Random column. He is currently an independent consultant. Colwell holds the BSEE degree from the University of Pittsburgh, and the MSEE and PhD from
Carnegie Mellon University.


"Infotronics Technologies for Innovative Service Business"

Speaker: Jay Lee, University of Cincinnati; Director of NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center for Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS) Center

For the past decade, the impact of web-enabled and tether-free technologies have added “velocity’ and “transparency” to business productivity in globally integrated enterprise.  Today’s competition in industry depends not just on lean manufacturing, but also on the abilities to provide customers with proactive services for sustainable value.   

This presentation introduces how Infotronics technologies can transform today's  service industry to value-added innovative business.  Infotronics technologies provide precision information to enable products and systems to predict their performance and autonomously request service and synchronize business decision.


Dr. Jay Lee is an Ohio Eminent Scholar and L.W. Scott Alter Chair Professor in Advanced Manufacturing at the Univ. of Cincinnati and is founding director of National Science Foundation (NSF) Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) on Intelligent Maintenance Systems (IMS) which is a multi-campus NSF Center between the Univ. of Cincinnati and the Univ. of Michigan-Ann Arbor. He also serves as a co-director for Industrial Innovation Center (IIC) at Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (www.iissjtu.com) in China.
Previously, he held a position as Wisconsin Distinguished Professor and Rockwell Automation Professor at the Univ. of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.  Prior to joining UW-Milwaukee, he served as Director for Product Development and Manufacturing Department at United Technologies Research Center (UTRC), E. Hartford, CT, and was responsible for the strategic direction and R&D activities for next-generation products and manufacturing, and service technologies.  Prior to joining UTRC, he served as Program Directors for a number of programs at NSF during 1991-1998, including the Engineering Research Centers (ERCs) Program, the Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers (I/UCRCs) Program, and the Materials Processing and Manufacturing Program (MPM).  In addition, he had served as an adjunct professor for a number of academic institutions, including Johns Hopkins University, where he was an adjunct faculty member for the School of Engineering and Applied Science as well as for the Hopkins Technical Management Program during 1992-1998.
His current research focuses on IT-enabled infotronics technologies for innovative product service systems.  Currently, he serves as member of Board on Manufacturing and Engineering Design (BMAED) of National Research Council (NRC).
Dr. Lee received Milwaukee Mayor Technology Award in 2003 and was a recipient of SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineering Award in 1992.  He is also a Fellow of ASME and SME. 


"Networked Innovation: A National Model"


Speaker: John McDougall, President and CEO Alberta Research Council


We've all heard of the innovation gap. Understanding it, facing this challenge, and bridging the gap on a national level requires a whole new approach. John McDougall, president and CEO of the Alberta Research Council, shares his approach to driving Canada's innovation agenda, by strengthening the capacity of that country's small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to commercialize.



John McDougall has served as President and CEO of the Alberta Research Council since the fall of 1997.  He is also Chairman of CFER Technologies; President and General Manager of McDougall & Secord, Limited; and a Director of PFB Corporation.
Born and raised in Edmonton, Mr. McDougall received his Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Alberta in 1967.  He also completed a number of postgraduate courses in environmental engineering.
An active participant in professional and community affairs, Mr. McDougall is a Director of the Canadian Academy of Engineers and St John Ambulance, special representative to the Alberta Chamber of Resources and serves on several advisory boards and committees including IRAP, NSERC, AUTO 21 and the Conference Board Leaders Forum on Technology Commercialization.  He is also the Past-President of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, APEGGA and the Edmonton Chamber of Commerce.
John is a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineers, Honorary Colonel of the 8 Field Engineer Regiment, honorary life member of APEGGA and honorary member of the Mexican College of Civil Engineers.  He has served as an advisor to federal and provincial governments on economic development, construction, trade, technology and human resources.
He is listed in Who's Who in Canada, Who's Who in Canadian Engineering and Who's Who in America and was named one of the 50 most influential Albertans in 1998.
He is married to Irene and has three grown sons - John, Jordan and Michael and one stepson - Kyle.


"Technology Innovation and Technology Management"

Speaker: Nam P. Suh, MIT, United States

To most effectively manage and promote technology innovation within a given industry, the manager of technology must first understand innovation processes and then create an infrastructure that enables the achievement of specific business goals. It will be a significant academic milestone in the field of technology management if we are able to teach corporations to design innovative technology systems and processes based on a set of basic principles rather than depending on the current ad hoc policies and methods in use. Doing so will enable corporations to operate at their most efficient, productive and inventive levels.  Unfortunately, there is currently no unified theory or methodology that is being used to direct the technology innovation process, although there are many ideas published on innovation processes based on case studies.

In this presentation, a hypothetical theory of the technology innovation process will be presented based upon an analysis of real experiences in technology innovation and management. Examples will be drawn from many different fields to identify the common features that must be present to advance technology innovation across industries.


Positions Held at MIT: Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1970-1975; Director, MlT-Industry Polymer Processing Program 1973-1984; Professor of Mechanical Engineering, 1975-Present; Director, Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity, 1977-1984; Cross Professor, 1989-Present; Director, Manufacturing Institute, 1990-Present; Department Head, 1991-2001;.....[Non-MIT Positions Held:] National Science Foundation, 1984-1988, (Assistant Director for Engineering, Presidential Appointee); University of South Carolina, 1965-69 (Assist./ Assoc. Professor); USM Corporation, 1961-65; Guild Plastics, 1958-60 Honors and Awards: Gustus L. Larson Memorial Award, Pi Tau Sigma and ASME, 1976; Election to CIRP, 1978; Citation Classic of ISI, 1979; Best Paper Award of SPE, 1981; Blackall Award of ASME, 1982; Who's Who in America; Honorary D Eng. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 1986; The F.W. Taylor Research Award, SME, 1986; Fellow, ASME 1987; Federal Engineer of the Year, NSPE, 1987; Distinguished Service Award, NSF 1987; Honorary LHD, University of Mass., 1988; Foreign Member, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Science, 1988; Centennial Medallion Award, ASEE, 1993; The Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award, ASME, 1993; The KBS Award for Scholarly Achievements, 1995; Korean Academy of Science and Technology Life Member, 1995; The 1997 Ho-Am Prize for Engineering, Ho-Am Foundation, 1997; Honorary Doctor (Tekn. Hedersdoktor), Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, 2000; The Mensforth International Gold Medal, The Institution of Electrical Engineers, United Kingdom, March 15, 2001; The Hills Millennium Award of the Institution of Engineering Designers of the United Kingdom (First recipient), June 4, 2001. 


"Hydrogen Civilization"

Speaker: T. Nejat Veziroglu, Director, Clean Energy Research Institute, University of Miami;
President, International Association for Hydrogen Energy

Fossil fuels (i.e., petroleum, natural gas and coal), which meet most of the world’s energy demand today, are being depleted fast. Also, their combustion products are causing the global problems, such as the greenhouse effect, ozone layer depletion, acid rains and pollution, which are posing great danger for our environment and eventually for the life in our planet. Many engineers and scientists agree that the solution to these global problems would be to replace the existing fossil fuel system by the Hydrogen Energy System. Hydrogen is a very efficient and clean fuel. Its combustion will produce no greenhouse gases, no ozone layer depleting chemicals, little or no acid rain ingredients and pollution. Hydrogen, produced from renewable energy (e.g., solar) sources, would result in a permanent energy system, which we would never have to change.

It is expected that during the present century the whole world will convert to the Hydrogen Energy System or to Hydrogen Economy (since energy is the locomotive of the economy). Three major economies of the world, U.S.A., Europe and Japan have worked out Road Maps for conversion to Hydrogen Economy. The United Nations has established the United Nations Industrial Development Organization - International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies (UNIDO-ICHET) in Istanbul, Turkey, to assist developing countries in converting to the Hydrogen Energy System.

The Metal Hydrogen Electric Batteries are already commercial. Hydrogen Fueled Buses are already available for sale. Toyota and Honda companies are leasing Hydrogen Fueled cars in California and Japan. Airbus Company is working on a Hydrogen Fueled passenger plane. German Navy has decided that their new generation of submarines should be hydrogen fueled.  There are already various types of Hydrogen Fuel Cells producing Electric power. Soon, there will be very small Hydrogen Fuel Cells in the market in order to provide electricity for mobile phones.

As a result of Hydrogen Economy, not only the Global Environmental Problems will disappear, but also noise levels in the streets will be greatly reduced and the landscape pollution produced by electric power lines in the cities and between the cities will disappear.

Using any and all primary energy sources available to it, each country will be able to produce the fuel, hydrogen, it needs to support its economy. They will not have to spend foreign exchange to buy petroleum or natural gas, which is concentrated in certain locations of the globe. Consequently, petroleum wars will disappear; each country will speed up its economy to improve the standard of living for its people, slow down and stop the population growth, and reach a sustainable state.

In summary, Hydrogen will provide the World Economy with a clean and efficient fuel, which will end the environmental problems, petroleum wars and will provide the humankind with higher quality of life and sustainable future, or the Hydrogen Civilization.


Dr. Veziroglu, a native of Turkey, graduated from the City and Guilds College, the Imperial College of Science and Technology, University of London, with degrees in Mechanical Engineering (A.C.G.I., B.Sc.), Advanced Studies in Engineering (D.I.C.) and Heat Transfer (Ph.D.).
After serving in some Turkish government agencies as a Technical Consultant and Deputy Director of Steel Silos, and then heading a private company, he joined the University of Miami Engineering Faculty, and served as the Director of Graduate Studies, Mechanical Engineering (initiating the first Ph.D. Program in the College of Engineering), Chairman of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and the Associate Dean for Research.  Presently, he is the Director of the Clean Energy Research Institute.
Dr. Veziroglu teaches Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer, Nuclear Engineering, Solar Energy and Hydrogen Energy. His research interests are instabilities in Boiling Water Reactors, Interstitial Heat Transfer, Renewable Energy Sources and Hydrogen Energy System. He has published some 350 scientific reports and papers, edited 200 volumes of proceedings, and is the Editor‑in‑Chief of the monthly scientific journals International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.  He has been an invited lecturer and/or consultant on energy research and education to many countries, including Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Brazil, Canada, China, Columbia, Egypt, England, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Switzerland,  Turkey, Ukraine and Venezuela, and to several universities and research organizations in the United States.
Dr. Veziroglu organized the first major conference on Hydrogen Energy: The Hydrogen Economy Miami Energy (THEME) Conference, Miami Beach, March 1974, and proposed the Hydrogen Energy System. Subsequently, he organized several conferences and symposia on Alternative Energy Sources, Environment, Hydrogen Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer, and Remote Sensing.
Dr. Veziroglu has membership in some twenty scientific organizations, has been elected to the Grade of Fellow in the British Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and is the Founding President of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy.
Dr. Veziroglu has been the recipient of several international awards, including Turkish Presidential Science Award, 1975, Honorary Professorship, Xian Jiaotong University, Xian, China, 1981, I. V. Kurchatov Medal, Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Moscow, U.S.S.R, 1982, Energy for Mankind Award, 1986, Twenty-Five Years' Service Award, American Nuclear Society, 1987, Turkish Superior Service to Mankind Award, 1991, Honorary Doctorate, Anadolu University, Eskisehir, Turkey, 1998, Honorary Member, Argentinean Academy of Sciences, 2000, and Honorary Doctorate, Donetsk State Technical University, Donetsk, Ukraine, 2001. In 2000, he was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Economics for both envisioning the Hydrogen Economy, and striving towards its realization.


"Democratizing Innovation"

Speaker: Eric von Hippel , MIT Sloan School of Management

Innovation is rapidly becoming democratized. Users, aided by improvements in computer and communications technology, increasingly can develop their own new products and services. User innovation, the data show, is strongly concentrated among “lead users.”  These lead users--both individuals and firms--often freely share their innovations with others, creating user-innovation communities and a rich intellectual commons.  The trend toward democratized innovation is visible both in information products like software and also in physical products.  Lead user innovation provides a valuable feedstock for manufacturer innovation, and produces an increase in social welfare relative to a manufacturer-only innovation system.

Freely-revealed innovations by users forms the basis for a user-centric innovation system that is so robust that it is actually driving manufacturers out of product design in some fields.  I will suggest ways that manufacturers can redesign their innovation processes to adapt to newly-emerging user-centric innovation systems.  Changes should also be made to governmental legislation and policies, such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, that inflict “collateral damage” on user innovation.  The emergence of democratized innovation systems will be disruptive to some, but I propose that the end result is well worth striving for.


Eric von Hippel is Professor and Head of the Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group at the MIT Sloan School of Management.  He is a graduate of Harvard College (BA), MIT (MS) and Carnegie Mellon University (PhD).  His research examines the sources of and economics of innovation, with a particular focus on the significant role played by “lead users” in the innovation development process.  In a new book, “Democratizing Innovation,” he reports on the latest work in this field (MIT Press, 2005).


"Technology Driven Business Creation - Carve-out Methodology and Frameworks for Enhancement"

Speaker: Seiichi Watanabe, Senior General Manager, Terumo Corporation

As the economy to change, the technology side is expected to take initiatives in creating significant corporate values for the future. One effective way is the "carve-out venturing". Flexible corporation systems such as LLC in the US are extensively used in relation to such efforts. Similar systems are being studied and employed in Europe and Japan. The joint study at JATES (Japan Techno-Economics Society) aims to find appropriate methodologies for such initiatives including "carve-out venturing". The speaker would like to discuss how "carve-out venturing" can be effectively undertaken and how corporation systems can assist in such efforts.


Dr. Seiichi Watanabe is Senior General Manager, Terumo Corporation. Previously, he served as Advisor at Sony since June 2004 when he retired as Executive Vice President responsible for Environmental Affairs. He was responsible for research and development at Sony as Director of Research Center and President of Frontier Science Laboratories from 1989 to 1993 and 1998 to 2001 respectively. He promoted many innovative research projects in developing key technologies for major businesses of the company, including compound semiconductors for lasers and high frequency devices, lithium ion batteries, magnetic recording materials, etc.
At JATES (Japan Techno-Economics Society) he represents Sony Corporation since 1990 and now serves as Chairman of the Committee for the Study on R&D Initiated Corporate Value Creation. The Study group consists of representatives of major companies located in Japan and seeks to generate formulas that can be utilized at member companies wishing to effectively manage business creation under R&D initiatives.
He hopes that technology management will serve to turn technological innovations into businesses that are successful both economically and environmentally. He lived in Minnesota, US, from 1959 to 1960 as an American Field Service exchange student where he experienced the importance of mutual understanding to overcome culture barriers.


"The Lisbon Agenda Revisited: The Key Role of the 7th Framework Programme for Research"

Speaker: Rosalie Zobel, Director, IST Research; Information Society and Media Directorate-General, European Commission

Five years ago the European Union launched an ambitious agenda, aiming at Europe to become the largest knowledge-based economy in the world by 2010. At half-time, the Commission is reviewing the progress made. This process has led to a vigorous debate at European and national level amongst all those with an interest in Lisbon’s success. The Commission has benefited from the work of a High Level Group, chaired by the former Dutch Prime Minister Wim Kok, that reported last November. The result of this assessment is that Europe is still far from achieving its potential for change that the Lisbon strategy offers. While the diagnosis and the remedies are not contested, the reality is that not enough progress has been made.

At their Spring Council meeting, 22-23 March 2005, in Brussels, Europe’s Heads of State and Government reaffirmed their commitment to the principles of the Lisbon Agenda, and reinvigorated measures around two principal tasks – delivering stronger, lasting growth and creating more and better jobs. The renewed Lisbon Action Programme identifies new action at European and national level which will help to see the Lisbon vision achieved.

One of the key elements of this action plan is an increased commitment to R&D and innovation. A doubling of the resources for the next European Framework Programme for Research (2007-2013) has been proposed by the European Commission.

The presentation will highlight the novelties in terms of research content as well as in terms of a new management approach to R&D that the Commission has proposed in order to strengthen the European R&D base and to move research into innovation more effectively.


Rosalie A. Zobel was born in England. She received a bachelor's degree in physics from Nottingham University, UK, in 1964, and a PhD in radiation physics from London University in 1967.
She started her career in the Information Technology industry in ICL in 1967, and later held positions as a systems engineer in CERN (Centre Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire), Geneva, Switzerland, the Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, UK, and the Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany. At the latter she became operations manager of the first CRAY Supercomputer centre in continental Europe.
In 1981 she moved to the USA and took up a position in the AT&T Headquarters, Basking Ridge, USA. She held positions as senior marketing manager for open systems software both for the USA and international markets, and was responsible from 1983-1986 for the international UNIX business. In 1986 she became senior marketing manager for information technology products in AT&T Japan.
She returned to Europe in 1988 as Deputy Head of Unit of the European Community's ESPRIT Business Systems unit. In 1991 she launched the initiative in Open Microprocessor systems (OMI). From 1995 she was the Head of unit "Business systems, multimedia and microprocessor applications", and EU-coordinator of the G7 Pilot Project "Global Marketplace for SMEs".  From 1999-2002 she was Director of “New Methods of Work and Electronic Commerce”.  From 2003 she is Director of "Components and Systems" in the Information Society and Media Directorate-General of the European Commission.