PICMET recognizes and honors individuals who have
provided leadership in managing technology by establishing a vision,
providing a strategic direction, and facilitating the implementation
strategies for that vision.
Three awards were given at PICMET ’03: Mr. Jong-Yong Yun, Vice
Chairman and CEO of Samsung Electronics, Inc. (Korea), will be honored for the
industry category; Dr. Joseph Bordogna, Deputy Director of NSF (USA), for the
government category; and Dr. Chun-Yen Chang, President of National Chiao Tung
University, Taiwan, for the academic category. Brief background information on
the 2003 recipients is given below.
Jong-Yong Yun
Vice Chairman and CEO, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Korea
Mr. Yun is the Vice Chairman and CEO of Samsung Electronics
Co., Ltd. in Korea. He received his degree in Electrical Engineering from
Seoul National University and joined the Samsung Group in 1966, and
continually rose through the ranks of the company. He became Electronics Group
Vice President in 1988 and completed the MIT Sloan School Senior Executive
Program the same year. After serving as president and CEO of several business
groups and Samsung companies, he became the President and CEO of Samsung
Electronics Co. in 1996, and was promoted to his current position of CEO and
Vice Chairman in 1999.
In his CEO’s message to Samsung’s customers and shareholders in 2002, Mr. Yun
articulated his views and strategies for his company by saying “The 21st
century marks a new starting point for Samsung Electronics’ second 30 years of
doing business. Keep your eye on us as we emerge as the leader in the digital
convergence revolution and a world-class company that is recognized around the
Mr. Yun’s philosophy in guiding Samsung Electronics Co. to greatness is
reflected in his many, often-quoted statements, including:
“Determination and a ‘go for it’ attitude can turn crisis into unlimited
“Management must be an ongoing process of innovation. Process innovation
starts with change, and change must start with the reform of consciousness.”
“Technology is the lifeblood of electronics industry – ‘technology’ is the
only currency that will beget technology.” Among the many awards bestowed upon
Mr. Yun are the Korean government’s Bronze and Gold Medals for contributions
to industry (1990 and 1992), Seoul National University’s Honorable Engineering
Alum award (1995), IIE’s “Outstanding Achievement in Management” award (1998),
Korea Management Association’s “Most Successful CEO in Korea” Award (1999),
Business Week’s “Top 25 Managers of the Year” listing (2000), and Fortune
Magazine’s “Asia’s Businessman of the year award (2000). Most recently Mr. Yun
was featured on the cover of Business Week in June 2003.
Chun-Yen Chang
President, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Dr. Chun-Yen Chang is the President of National Chiao Tung
University in Taiwan. He received his BSEE degree from the National Chenk Kung
University (NCKU), and MS and Ph.D. degrees from the National Chiao Tung
University (NCTU). Prior to his current position, he served as a research
fellow at Bell Labs, a professor at NCKU, the dean of research, dean of
engineering and dean of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at NCTU.
He also was the founding Director of National Nano-Device Labs in Taiwan.
In addition to his presidency at NCTU, Dr. Chang holds several other positions
and affiliations including Foreign Associate of the U.S. National Academy of
Engineering, member of Academia Sinica of the Republic of China, National
Chair Professor, National Policy Advisor to the Office of the President of the
Republic of China, and Science and Technology Advisor to the Executive Yuan of
the Republic of China.
Dr. Chang started his research on semiconductors in 1960, and established the
first Semiconductor Research Center in the R.O.C. in 1964. Later, he also
established the National Nano-Device Research Laboratory for leading-edge
research on nano devices.
His research in semiconductor devices and key inventions have made significant
contributions to the field. Among his major inventions are the method of low
pressure MOCVD using triethyl Gallium, Zn incorporation, boron penetration and
nitridation in silicon dioxide, and modulation doped-based transistor.
Dr. Chang has received 26 patents in the U.S. and in Taiwan and has published
over 300 papers. He is the author of the book Made by Taiwan, promoting the
idea of innovation and creativity for the future of Taiwan as a world leader
in technology.
Joseph Bordogna
Deputy Director, NSF, USA
Dr. Bordogna is Deputy Director and Chief Operating Officer
of the National Science Foundation. Complementing his NSF duties, he has
chaired committees on Manufacturing and Environmental Technologies within the
President’s National Science and Technology Council, he was a member of the
Federal Government’s Technology Reinvestment Project Team (TRP), and he serves
on the Partnership for a New Generation of Vehicles Committee (PNGV) and the
U.S.-Japan Joint Optoelectronics Project.
Dr. Bordogna received the BSEE and Ph.D. degrees from the University of
Pennsylvania and the S.M. degree from M.I.T. His career includes experience as
a line officer in the U.S. Navy, a practicing engineer in industry, a
professor at the university, a president of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers), and a leader in science and technology policy in the
Prior to his appointment at NSF, he served at the University of Pennsylvania
as the Alfred Fitler Moore Professor of Engineering, Director of the Moore
School of Electrical Engineering, and the Dean of the School of Engineering
and Applied Science. It was during his tenure at the University of
Pennsylvania that the highly acclaimed “Management and Technology Program” was
created by combining the strengths of the School of Engineering and the
Wharton School of Management for a unique undergraduate degree.
At NSF, Dr. Bordogna continued with his innovative ideas and creative
leadership by leading the development of new programs focused on expanding
research horizons into connecting the frontier of science and engineering with
service to society, producing a world-class engineering and science workforce,
and making sure that every student from kindergarten up through the highest
level of education has math and science capabilities.
Among the many honors Dr. Bordogna has received are his Fellow Awards in the
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the American
Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), and the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
The number of students conducting significant research in
the area of Engineering and Technology Management was demonstrated by the 33
nominations received from around the world for the “Outstanding Student Paper”
competition. This made the selection process difficult, but after multiple
cycles of blind refereeing, the following winner was selected as the PICMET ’03
"Educating the Guess:
Strategies, Concepts and Tools for the Fuzzy Front End of Product
Development" |
Antonie J. Jetter,
Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen-Germany
Many companies lack efficient
management of the early phases of new product development (NPD) - the
so-called fuzzy front end (FFE). Rather than on structured methods,
decision makers rely on “gut–feel” or “guessing”. In an attempt to
“educate the guess,” this paper discusses the activities and challenges
of the FFE, as well as strategies to manage them successfully. It then
briefly presents traditional and recent approaches to front-end
management support. Based on the identified strengths and weaknesses of
existing front-end solutions, the framework of a new management support
system for the FFE is presented. Conceptually, the system is based on
psychological findings about the process of action-regulation in complex
decision environments. Methodologically, it uses Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM)
for modeling and simulation. |

Dipl.-Kff. Antonie Jetter studied business
administration at RWTH Aachen, where she graduated in 1998. She has
worked with Siemens AG and a start-up laser company and joined the
Department of Technology and Innovation Management at the RWTH
Aachen in 1998. She is currently working on her Ph.D. thesis
concerned with information acquisition and processing in the early
NPD phases. Her present research interests also include knowledge
management and small and medium enterprises |
Advisor: Hans-Horst Schröeder